C1 Training Italy-Potenza:
04-05-06 March 2019
Training Contents:
Day 1
What is a social enterprise?
S.E aims and characteristics.
Social Enterprise eco-system.
The role of social enterprise.
European strategy for social enterprises.
Day 2
The social innovation approach
How to start a S.E
Social Impract
Sales, marketing, branding
Legal structure
The business plan
Looking after yourself
Day 3
Study visit to The Associazione Insieme Onlus
Study visit to the S.E. “Assurd”
C2 Training: Spain - Barcelona
22-23-24 MAY 2019
Training Contents:
Day 1
Networking. Basis and experiences
Study Visit – Can Batlló
*Can Batlló is a complex that gets together a group of different cooperatives.
Day 2
Networking initiatives in Catalonia. Experiences
Study Visit – Impulsem Center for the Training and Experimentation of Alternative Economic Initiatives
Day 3
Training models for social enterprises.-
The model of Barcelonactiva
The experience of SUYSE Project
Evaluation of the training
C3 Training: Greece - Larissa
01-02-03 JULY 2019
Training Contents:
Day 1
Development of social cooperative enterprises:
The Importance and the role of the Social and Solidarity Economy in the Time of the Crisis: Social Cooperative Enterprises.
Legal framework of the Social and Solidarity Economy: Impediments and opportunities for the development of the sector.
The Contribution of Social Entrepreneurship to Local Development
Day 2
Study visit to Social Enterprise “OSSA” and Batraci Guitars
Day 3
Food tour" gastronomy and cultural routes in Larissa with Social Entreprise "Νόον Έγνω" (poem from Odyssey)
Social technology (ICT) // Open Mellon
The importance of Social Media Marketing
Digital Strategy and Communication
Digital Design and Development
C4 Training: BrusselsBelgium 18-19-20 November 2019
Training Contents:
Day 1
Activities carried to date according to the work plan
Visit at La Maison du Peuple d’Europe (MPEVH)
Meeting with Henry Wasung (EU Parliament official)
• The legal basis of EU
• European Union family
• What’s what in the EU
• Key players
• What can the EU do?
• EU budget - where does the money go
• What Europe does for for SME and for Social Enterprises
Day 2
The European Commission - “The role of Social Economy”
Day 3
European Economic and Social Committee - “The Social Economy in EUROPE”
C5 Training Lyon - France
04-05-06 March 2020
Training Contents:
Day 1
The social and solidarity economy (SSE) in France
The economic power and social power of SSE in France
Business owner vs intrapreneur
Assessment and measurement of the social impact of the project
Day 2
Roundtable discussion on social entrepreneurship in Europe: innovations and exchange of practices.
Guided tour of the social and solidary structure of Lyon,
Equilibres café (solidary coffee restaurant)
L’épicerie des Halles (grocery)
Le Jardin Intérieur (restaurant): Local and seasonal meal
Day 3
Visit to a social enterprise Epi C’est Bon.
124.Services (the public company of the district)
Les curieux (cooperative dedicate to beauty environmentally friendly)
Monde Ethique (fashion fair trade engaged for the defense of humans, animals, and planet)
C6 Training: Germany - Berlin
30-31 august, 1 september 2021
Training Contents:
Day 1
Social enterprises in Berlin.
Discussion and encounter with Nour Eldine Hanbali. We talked about the early stage of funding a social enterprise
Visit BBK Sculpture Workshop
Day 2
Presentation and discussion with a representative of Soulbottles a Berlin based social enterprise that also runs a program to support start-ups to establish social enterprises.
Visit The Himmelbeet
Visit to Haus der Materialisierung / Kunststoffe
Day 3
What makes a social enterprise, financing, innovation and rules, roles, and attitude.
Meeting with Doris Wietfeldt. Critical points that need special attention within structures and ways of conduct within social enterprises. How to finalize the one-stop service.